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完美世界 天上之國




拆解全球問題的方法 Solve all problems in the World


This book & movie disassembles solutions to all global problems like the mysteries of the world and the universe, money and poverty, power, administration, unemployment, pollution, climate change, greenhouse effect, food shortages, disease, lack of resources, waste of competition, unfairness, education problems, lack of love, family problems, distrust, state trust, religion, life habits, crimes......

書名: 完美世界 天上之國 PERFECT WORLD Paradise
作者: 李國樑
出版: 博學出版社
出版日期: 2022 年 12 月
類別: 宗教哲學
ISBN: 978-988-76461-2-9
產品編號: T2206
定價: HK$ 182.00 + 郵費
存貨: 有存貨

  • 型號: T2206